pp108 : addColumn() Method

addColumn() Method

This method adds a new column to the XGrid. This allows for the expansion of the XGrid, dynamically, during runtime.


xgridId.addColumn(id, ref, label, fieldType, dataType, misc1, misc2, bApplyPreference)


Parameter Description
String Rrequired. Identifier of the column.
ref String; required. Refers to the XPath of the business element, with respect to the businessObject. See ref.
label String; required. Refers to the text that is displayed in the header of a column. Use "" for an empty label.
fieldType String. This is an optional parameter with the default value asinput. It sets the field type of the cells in the column; possible values areinput,output,checkbox,password,dropdown,textarea, andimage.
dataType String. This is an optional parameter with the default value asstring. It sets the data type of the cells in the column; possible values arestring,integer,float,double,decimal,amount,date,hexbinary,base64binary, andanyuri.
misc1 String; optional. Its usage depends on the fieldType as described in the following table:
input n/a
output n/a
checkbox Required. Refers to the true value of the bound data; often "1" or "true".
password n/a
dropdown Required. Refers to the ID the dropdown field.
textarea n/a
image Boolean. This is an optional parameter with the default value as "false". It indicates whether the image is to be displayed as a thumbnail.
misc2 String; optional. Its usage depends on the fieldType as describes in the following table:
input n/a
output n/a
checkbox Required. Refers to the false value of the bound data; often "0" or "false".
password n/a
dropdown n/a
textarea n/a

Optional. String that denotes the size of icons in a Column. Possible values are:

  • small: Default. Size of column icons is set to small.
  • mid: Size of column icons is set to medium.
  • big: Size of column icons is set to big.


Boolean; This is an optional parameter with the default value false. Denotes whether to apply preference or not.

Return Value

No return value.


The following example demonstrates the use of this method to add a column to the XGrid.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<html onapplicationready="getData()">
<title>AddColumn method</title>
<script src="/cordys/wcp/application.js"></script>
function getData()
     employeesGrid.bindData( bdiEmployees.data );
function addColumn()
     "Invite to Party",
    	"For friends",
    <script type="cordys/xml" id="details">
       <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
		         <GetEmployeesObjects xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/DemoWebServices">
<div  cordysType="wcp.library.data.BusDataIsland" async="false" id="bdiEmployees" request="details.XMLDocument"> </div>
 <button onclick="addColumn()">Add Invite Option</button> <br />
    <div style="width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden">
    <div cordysType="wcp.library.ui.XGrid"  id="employeesGrid"     xpathRowData = ".//*[local-name()='data']/*[local-name()='GetEmployeesObjectsResponse']/*[local-name()='tuple']";
        xpathBusinessObject = ".//*[local-name()='Employees']"
           <div id="EmployeeID" ref=".//*[local-name()='EmployeeID']" dataType="integer">EmployeeID</div>
           <div id="FirstName" ref=".//*[local-name()='FirstName']">FirstName</div>
          <div id="LastName" ref=".//*[local-name()='LastName']">LastName</div>

See Also
